Crink strikes of Iran … and the number of deaths to 2333

Crink strikes of Iran … and the number of deaths to 2333

News from Al-Madinah: As protests against the killing of the Kurdish teenager Muhsa Amini entered their sixth week in Iran and the government initiated a harsh crackdown campaign to try and put an end to them, numerous cities in the western Kurdistan governorate resorted out general strikes.
The shops and markets have closed their doors in both Senndge, the capital of Kurdistan, Mariwan, Saqz, and others.

According to the “International International” network, there were also videos showing Saqz stores that were closed and markets without vendors.
In the midst of calls for a general strike that rendered the movement wholly ineffective, Mariwan, who had also joined the cause, closed its businesses.

In Tehran, students from the University of Ferchkan and the Free University also participated in a large demonstration, chanting anti-authoritarian slogans and the phrase “Woman of the Hayat of Freedom,” which has been used by protesters across the nation since the movement’s inception about a month ago.

Activists have been urged to participate in a national uprising today, Saturday, along with youth groups in Ahvaz, Tehran, Isfahan, Tabriz, and other cities throughout the previous several days.
It is noteworthy that the death of Amini, 22, on September 16, 3 days after her arrest by the Ethics Police, and then transferred to a hospital in Tehran, had launched a spark of widespread demonstrations in the country, which has not yet subsided.

In order to surround the demonstrators and stop the spread of calls for demonstrations, the authorities periodically cut off Internet access from mobile phones.
The officials also accused the demonstrators of dependency abroad, and betrayed them, while the security forces arrested hundreds, including university students and school students.

While the violence adopted by the security forces killed at least 233 people killed in the ranks of the protesters, according to what the Iranian Human Rights Organization confirmed in a report published on October 12.

Iran’s Crink strikes have resulted in 2333 fatalities.

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