The proof: Indicators heralds the proximity of access to Sudan

The proof: Indicators heralds the proximity of access to Sudan

News from Al-Madinah: Abdel-Fattah al-Burhan, the head of Sudan’s Sovereignty Council, stated on Saturday that the indicators have improved and encouraged optimism, signalling the nearness of success in achieving the participation of the majority of societal and political forces as well as the parties to peace in the nation.
The remarks made by Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan occurred while he was taking part in the “Tana” security and peace summit in Africa, which is held in the Ethiopian city of Jerdar.

Al-Burhan believed that these metrics strengthened the assurances that the transitional period will be stable, and they make it possible for everyone to form a civilian government to govern Sudan, create the conditions and implement the necessary steps to hold free and fair elections at the end of the transitional period.

He continued: “We emphasize our fixed positions that we announced, which require the withdrawal and exit of the military establishment from the political debate so that it can devote itself to its basic tasks in protecting, maintaining security and sovereignty. ”
The chairman of the Sudanese Sovereignty Council commented on the political forum, saying: “Sudan has been keen to participate in the Tana Forum since its inception. It places African answers that are applicable.

Sudan plays a role in the Horn of Africa because it adheres to the principles of integration, good neighbourliness, and ties amongst member states in the region, he stated.
A conversation with Abi Ahmed
The proof and Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abi Ahmed held a joint discussion session outside of the forum.

Asserting that Sudan is eager to maintain close ties with Ethiopia, Al-Burhan emphasised that the unresolved issues between the two nations may be handled through conversation.
In relation to the Renaissance Dam, he claimed that a compromise might be reached on the dam’s technical concerns.
He applauded the Ethiopian Prime Minister’s suggestion to build commercial ties between Ethiopia and Sudan.

The President of the Sovereign Council participated at the “Tana” forum, and the Ethiopian Prime Minister thanked him for his attendance.
He claimed that the connection with Sudan is personal.
He clarified that the Renaissance Dam project will continue with significant advantages for Sudan and won’t be a rival. Abi Ahmed submitted a proposal for a mechanism for economic integration between the two countries.

The two sides stressed the need to address all border problems by peaceful methods through specialized technical committees.
News on Sky.

The evidence is that indicators point to easy access to Sudan.

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