Space scientists monitor the strongest light flash

Space scientists monitor the strongest light flash

A high-energy light that triggered the biggest cosmic explosion ever has been observed by space experts.
According to scientists, a rare occurrence “fell every 100 years.”
This flash is thought to be related to the gamma ray explosion that was recently observed. The most common kind of electromagnetic explosion occurred last Sunday for the first time with telescopes.

Gamma rays, an explosion of radiation, have an energy that is 100 billion times greater than that of visible light to the human eye.
This explosion helps scientists understand how the black hole is formed in space, and the flash is likely to be produced when giant stars explode, collapse in black holes, or when the remains of a high -density star collide with each other, and are known as neutron stars.

These explosions release supernatural energy, as evidenced by the largest flash ever discovered last Sunday, which initial reports put at 18 TV Electron Volts of energy.
And if these findings are verified, the gamma ray explosion will be the first of its sort to carry more than 10 TB of electrons.

But how harmful is this on Earth, exactly?
Although the gamma ray explosion happened at a safe distance from Earth, a much closer explosion would have catastrophic effects on our planet.
The planet’s ozone layer will be destroyed by such an active flash, which is also likely to result in the mass extinction of all ground-dwelling life. Scientists believe that the cause of one of the largest collective extinction in Earth’s history occurred 450 million years ago..

The brightest light flash is monitored by space experts.

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