Revolutionary Guard affiliates refuse to participate in the suppression of the Iranian uprising

Revolutionary Guard affiliates refuse to participate in the suppression of the Iranian uprising

According to reports, a number of former members and allies of the Iranian Basij and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards have expressed a refusal to organise initiatives to put an end to mass demonstrations.
These individuals received texts from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards asking the retired members, their families, and the relatives of the Basij to report to this force, but they refused.

The members of these Iranian government armed forces have been advised that, given the delicate nature of the situation, they should report to Muhammad, the Prophet of Godheadquarters ,’s on Saturday, October 15, at 8:00 am at “Sebah” square.
However, a large number of these individuals, their families, and members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as well as the Basij refused to take part in putting an end to the protests at the national level and abstained from this affair.

They also told their leadership that they refuse to attend and participate in suppressing popular protests by offering excuses such as their travel or suffering from illness and other excuses, which caused the regime to face many problems in its attempt to end the popular uprising.
This denial comes despite the fact that the protesters repeatedly invited people to participate in their demonstration on Saturday, October 15, and they asked that they take to the streets at noon in all Iranian cities.

As news of the use of the retired Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards to conduct border operations spread over the past few months, it should be noted that this is not the first time the Iranian Revolutionary Guard has turned to retirees, the families of Iranian Revolutionary Guards fighters, and the Basij to carry out its operations.

The protests reached their fourth week and are still going strong throughout the country, despite the Iranian regime’s best efforts to put a stop to them.
According to the latest statistics presented by the Iranian Human Rights Organization, at least 201 people were killed in these protests, 23 of whom were children under the age of 18..

Affiliates of the Revolutionary Guard decline to assist in putting down the Iranian revolt.

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