Proof from Ethiopia: Solutions can be reached on the Renaissance Dam

Proof from Ethiopia: Solutions can be reached on the Renaissance Dam

Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, the president of the Sudanese Sovereignty Council, declared that the two sides were determined to solve all issues relating to them through dialogue and peaceful means, including the borders and the Renaissance Dam file, following a joint discussion session on bilateral relations between Sudan and Ethiopia.

Al-Burhan stated that the two sides had agreed on the need to resolve all border issues peacefully after meeting with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abi Ahmed today, Saturday, outside of the Tana Forum in the Ethiopian city of Jerdar.
He also suggested that a solution to the Renaissance Dam’s technical problems might be found.
He also welcomed the proposal to establish economic integration between the two countries, according to a statement issued by his office.

The Ethiopian Prime Minister emphasised the value of maintaining a private connection with Sudan.
Additionally, he emphasised that the Renaissance Dam project would be extremely beneficial for both parties involved and would have a significant positive impact on Khartoum.
It is noteworthy that the relationship between the municipality witnessed several months ago border tensions and disputes over the Al -Fasha area.

In addition to Egypt, which sees itself as the most impacted by it due to its effect on the major water source in the nation, the Giant Renaissance Dam, the electrical energy that Ethiopia is building on the Blue Nile, led to the stress of the relationship between the two nations for years.

Along with all of this, the violence in the Ethiopian Tigray region led to the border crossing of tens of thousands of refugees into eastern Sudan, which also generated disagreements between the two parties.

Ethiopia serves as evidence that the Renaissance Dam problem can be solved.

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