Lucky gene .. 3 out of 10 people who have a genetic gene that prevents infection with the Corona virus

Lucky gene .. 3 out of 10 people who have a genetic gene that prevents infection with the Corona virus

According to the British tabloid “Daily Mail,” having the gene that prevents you from contracting the Corona virus may be a stroke of luck. According to research, 3 out of 10 persons possess a hereditary trait that shields them from contracting the Corona virus.
The HLA-DQB1 * 06 individuals will produce more antibodies following a Corona vaccination, according to the publication.

Scientists said that approximately 30 to 40 % of people have luck gene, stressing that some people may never develop a Corona virus thanks to their genes, as researchers from Oxford University found that people who have a specific boom produce a greater response to antibodies after vaccination , Adding that approximately 30 to 40% of persons possess the HLA-DQB1 gene may provide increased defences sufficient to completely ward against infection

This may explain why some people do not contract the virus despite having sick family members, according to the newspaper, which also noted that the United States had the highest number of confirmed cases of any nation in the world, with 179 million infections, or more than half of the population.
Given that some persons have never been tested and that the test was insufficient at the time of the illness epidemics, this number is probably lower than the actual one.

However, there are several accounts of persons who have been infected with the virus along with their entire families and have escaped infection—even after sleeping in the same bed as a sick person.
It was known as the “Never Cover” group, and scientists have never figured out how to handle it. The Never Covid ‘group may have a gene called HLA-DQB1, which gives them better protection after Corona vaccines.
Principal investigator Dr.

According to Alexander Montazer, we have observed a large range in the quick tests of the persons for the Corona virus following immunisation, confirming the conclusions we have drawn that our genetic makeup may alter the likelihood of this happening over time.
Blood samples from 1600 persons who received the Pfizer-Biontech virus or Oxford-CTRAZENECA as an initial dosage were analysed by scientists in 5 separate tests.

People with Hla-DQB1*06 were less likely to experience “penetration infection” for 12 months, where people had mild symptoms of Corona after the vaccine. Blood samples from these individuals were compared to those of people who did not have this gene, who lacked antibodies, proteins that protect from foreign invaders.

“This study has provided evidence that one of the reasons we have different immunological reactions to Corona vaccinations from one another is due to our genetic makeup, and the findings have been published in Nature Medicine.

The lucky gene. 3 out of 10 people who have a genetic gene that prevents infection with the Corona virus

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