Libyan resentment for ignoring the election date

Libyan resentment for ignoring the election date

The Prime Minister of the Unity Government, Abdul Hamid Al-Dubba, ignores the security instability that Libya is experiencing, particularly in the capital, Tripoli, and its suburbs, and instead tries to advance the concept of holding parliamentary elections soon in order to further his own interests.

The burning of 15 illegal immigrants in the city of Sabratha is among the things that the Dubaya failed to notice. After a protracted period of indifference, the Dubaya finally calls a meeting to discuss the horrific Sabratha tragedy.

Political activist Moussa Tihousai criticised Dubai’s activities in this regard and posed the following query: “Are innocent people really that disposable? Is the government considering the spirit of 15 people brutally in a normal matter that does not require even a statement of condemnation in two lines . . . or that the president and his team are busy as usual in the arrangement of the elections. “.

Abdul Hamid Al-Duba signed an agreement and understanding with Turkey in the sphere of gas and oil exploration in Libyan waters despite the fact that the nation is now experiencing numerous challenges. This agreement, which was sent to Abdul Hamid Al-Duba and his government in Tripoli in defiance of the recommendations made by the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum in Geneva.

The recently inked agreement between Ankara and the Dubai administration on the exploration of oil and gas in Libyan territory was deemed unlawful by Libyan political analyst Muhammad Qashout.
He added that the Geneva Agreement, which has sorted the Dubai government, is prohibited in its tenth article, signing any new agreements to which future obligations result in the Libyan state.

The Dubaya, on the other hand, signed this agreement in return for giving him mercenaries and military hardware to ensure his hold on power lasts as long as possible, especially in light of the existence of a new government that was appointed by the Libyan Parliament and had used Sirte as its headquarters until the capital entered Tripoli.

In late August, the expensive head of the stability government from Parliament, Fathi Pashaga, tried to enter the capital with the force of arms, but the militias affiliated with Dubai repelled the attack thanks to the support provided by Turkey earlier to these militias.
Al-Dubba, on the other hand, made the decision to pay back his debt by signing the dubious agreement that was extremely similar and selling the Libyan people’s treasure in gas and oil to Turkey.

To free the capital from mercenaries and militias, Khalifa Haftar, the Supreme Commander of the Libyan Arab Libyan Marshal forces.

Ahmed Al-Fitouri, a political analyst and expert, contends that the recent head of the government of national unity is not acting in the best interests of the Libyan people but rather is seeking to maintain their hold on power for as long as possible at the expense of the people’s wealth, forgetting that the main reasons for his appointment as prime minister Foreigners from Libyan lands and the holding of free and fair elections for the presidency and the parliament.

Angry Libyans who disregarded the election date

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