Learn the causes of lower back pain … including the bag and the function

Learn the causes of lower back pain … including the bag and the function

The lower back area is the back area that begins under the chest cage, and many suffer from lower back pain at some point in their lives, ranging from light pain to a sense of stabbing, and the pain makes it difficult to move or stand up straight, and the pain comes suddenly “sharp”, and may According to the website, it happens when you workout or lift weights, and the pain that last for longer than 3 months is chronic. If your discomfort does not go away within 72 hours, you should see a doctor.

symptoms that demand immediate attention
Refer to a healthcare professional at any time you suffer from back pain after falling or injury, and the same thing applies if you suffer from back pain with problems in controlling the intestine, bladder, weak leg, fever, pain when coughing or urination.

a sciatica or muscle strain
Back discomfort from heavy lifting or strenuous exercise frequently results in muscle strain, but there are also times when this is brought on by tiny gel-filled tablets meant to fill the space between the vertebrae. And when the pillar nerve is, the pain extends from the buttocks to the bottom of one leg, and this is sciatica.

If your job includes raising, tightening the spine, or anything that surrounds the spine, this may contribute to back pain, however, sitting on an office throughout the day involves its own risks, especially if your seat is uncomfortable or tends to relax.

The bottom of the back supports the top of the body, including any additional weight you bear, so even if you wear your bag, backpack, or other item on your shoulder, it can still cause pain in the lower back if it is stuffed. Consider moving to a wheel bag if you need to carry a hefty load every day.

Exercise exaggeration
Exaggeration in exercise in the gym or golf course is one of the most common causes of excessive stretch muscles that lead to lower back pain, you are especially at risk if you tend to be inactive during the working week and then spend hours in the gym or football field The relaxing weekend.

Discover the causes of lower back pain, such as the bag’s function.

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