Events that occurred for 117 and 118 AH … what the Islamic heritage says

Events that occurred for 117 and 118 AH … what the Islamic heritage says

What transpired in the Senti 117 and 118 AH and what is the Islamic heritage? The Caliph Al-Ma’mun ruled for several years, and he was not a slack administrator on any level, whether intellectual, political, or military.
Then I entered the year 17 and 200 in Muharram, which included: Al-Ma’mun entered Egypt and defeated Abdous Al-Fihri; as a result, he gave the order to strike his neck, after which he left for the Levant.

And it says that Al-Ma’mun rode to the Romans’ territory, besieged a pearl for a hundred days, then fled and won the siege.

When Tofil felt his arrival, he escaped and sent his minister Sanghal, and he asked him for safety and reconciliation, but he started himself before the safe, and the safe replied to him a eloquent book, the content of which is the bond and the reprimand: I only came to you to enter into the Hanifa, otherwise the sword, killing and peace be upon those who followed the guidance.
Along with Suleiman bin Abdullah bin Suleiman bin Ali, Hajj.

Al-Hajjaj bin Mnhal, Sahih bin Al-Numan, Musa bin Dawood, Al-Dabi, and God Almighty knows best all perished in it.
I then started living in the year 1800.
Al-Mamoun sent his son Al-Abbas to the country of Rom to develop a colour and update its architecture on the first day of Jumada al-Awwal.

He sent people to prepare the act in every location, including Egypt, the Levant, and Iraq. As a result, he encountered a lot of creation. He then gave the man the instructions to create three doors, three peers, and a tendency within a tendency.

What the Islamic tradition says about the events that took place in 117 and 118 AH

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