Belarus believes that Western observers on its borders with Ukraine will turn into reconnaissance and sabotage units

Belarus believes that Western observers on its borders with Ukraine will turn into reconnaissance and sabotage units

According to “Sputnik,” Anatoli Labo, the head of the Border Committee in Belarus, stated that members of the international observers mission Kyiv planned on the Ukrainian-Belarusian border may actually develop into sabotage and polling organisations.
“Who will be there, and why? There will undoubtedly be mercenaries present in addition to military personnel from NATO nations, as is well known.

” “For what reason do you arrive? I think one of the targets is to bring military units brought from the border under the guards of the peacekeeping forces, and the establishment of groups of sabotage and a full -time poll there, so that later, in the future, perhaps, when the time comes, it will work against us.

Vladimir Makki, the foreign minister of Belarus, declared on Wednesday that the fact that Western nations dispatched representatives to the Belarusian-Ukrainian border at Kiev’s request indicates that these nations are complicit in the violence in Ukraine. The assessment of the Russian side was accepted. If these western delegates are deployed to the Belarusian-Ukrainian border, it actually indicates that other nations are taking part in the conflict in Ukraine.

“We have always emphasised that we do not want to take part in this conflict, and we want to put an immediate end to anything that occurs in Ukraine,” continued Maki. Unfortunately, we observe that the initiatives made by Western nations are contributing to the conflict’s escalation.
Regarding the presence of forces on the southern and western borders of Belarus, Maki said: “We see that hysteria fog. This goes beyond simple verbal rhetoric.

Instead, action is taken in the form of moving military hardware and arms and mobilising troops. It goes without saying that we shouldn’t ignore that. , Stressing that his country will take measures to respond, and said, “Of course, appropriate answer action will be taken, including measures of a military nature.

In response, a source in Moscow informed “Sputnik” on Wednesday that if the group accepted Ukrainian President Vladimir Zellinski’s suggestion to station international observers on the Ukrainian-Belarusian border, the Russian army would regard the seven state monitors as valid targets.

Belarus fears that Western monitors stationed at its border with Ukraine will operate as sabotage and reconnaissance teams.

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