An American broadcaster is fined one billion dollars to deny a tragedy that took place in 2012

An American broadcaster is fined one billion dollars to deny a tragedy that took place in 2012

The right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who founded the website “Infoors,” was ordered by a court in the United States to pay approximately $1 billion in damages to those who lost loved ones in a 2012 school shooting. The shooting was denied to have taken place, and Jones claimed that the families of the Sandy Hook School shooting victims were actually actors.

According to the “Sky News” news network, a committee in a state court decided on Wednesday that the accused would pay the victims and an FBI agent a total of $ 965 million as restitution for the defamation and moral harm he brought to them.

Twenty children and six adults were slain in this school in 2012 by a young, armed man using a semi-automatic rifle. This shooting sparked a wave of panic throughout the country and started a discussion about gun control laws.

Jones, Alex
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones Yamini acknowledged on his website that the massacre did not occur but that what did occur was merely a farce to discredit opponents of firearms in the nation. His claims were then proven false by the mounting evidence.

Many of the families of the victims sued Jones, claiming that his lies sparked the trial proceedings and allowed him to make millions of dollars while making them the target of harassment from conspiracy theorists. When the judge delivered the verdict, several of the victims’ families who were present in the courtroom erupted.

Jones, who kept track of the proceedings on his website, stated that he would appeal the decision and added that he lacked “not even two million dollars in cash.” The Texas judiciary ordered Jones to pay 50 million dollars as restitution for the harm he caused to a couple who lost their lives in the massacre of their child.

The 6-year-old and Johns eventually acknowledged that the massacre had already taken place, but Johns resisted helping the courts.

A one billion dollar charge is imposed on an American broadcaster for denying a catastrophe that occurred in 2012.

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