After the killing of a student at the hands of the Iranian forces, Tabriz rises in the face of the regime

After the killing of a student at the hands of the Iranian forces, Tabriz rises in the face of the regime

In response to the death of a student at the hands of the security forces in a secondary school in Jordan, a group of activists in the Iranian city of Tabriz called for a protest march today, Saturday, at noon.
According to the accounts, the students of this high school were violently attacked by the security forces after they staged an anti-regime rally on their way back after being coercively brought to a government demonstration.

The director general of education in this governorate as well as the police head in Ardabil Governorate both refuted the reports of the student’s murder. The Director General of Education said that the students of Aden to their schools “Peace” after the governmental gathering on Wednesday.

On the other hand, a reliable source told “Iran International” that the Coordination Council of Teacher Syndicates erased information on the death of a student in Ardabel by security forces from its Telegram channel as a result of pressure from the Ministry of Intelligence.

The names of 23 children who died during the protests were revealed by Amnesty International in a report on the Iranian regime’s efforts to put an end to the revolt. The organisation also declared a “organised pardon” for human rights abusers in Iran, whose victims include children’s lives.
In these protests between the ages of 16 and 17, 20 boys between the ages of 11 and 17 reportedly died.

According to Amnesty International, the majority of these kids died from gunshot wounds, four of which were fatal.
According to these statistics, 10 children were killed in the governorate of Sistan and Baluchistan, 5 children in Tehran, 4 children in West Azerbaijan, and one child in both the provinces of Al -Burz, Kermanshah, Kahkilweh, Bir Ahmed and Zanjan.

Heba Maraif, regional director for Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa region, has once more urged on the UN Human Rights Council to convene urgently and to issue a resolution establishing a separate international body to hold Iranian authorities accountable.

Pictures of toddlers and teenagers wearing the uniforms of the “Basij” and the “Iranian Revolutionary Guard,” on the other hand, infuriated many activists as public protests in Iran reached their zenith and the Iranian government’s repressive capabilities grew weary and inadequate.

More than 500 members and supporters of the “Imam Ali Association” claimed in a statement released last week that the Iranian government used a number of underprivileged kids to quell the protests by providing them with “many food bags.”
The Child Protection Association published a statement denouncing the killing and detention of children and teenagers during the popular revolt, as well as the use of minors to quell public protests.

Tabriz rebels against the government when an Iranian soldier killed a student there.

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