The text of Biden’s statement after the United Nations vote against Russia

The text of Biden’s statement after the United Nations vote against Russia

The following quotes from Biden’s statement stand out as the most important ones: • “By undermining the fundamental tenets of the United Nations Charter, Russia rips up the underpinnings of international peace and security.”
• “The stakes in this confrontation are evident to all, and the world responds with a clear message: Russia cannot obliterate a sovereign state from the map. By using force, Russia cannot alter the borders. Russia cannot seize the lands of another country.

” • “The vast majority of the world, countries from every region, large and small, represent a wide range of ideologies and governments, voted to defend the United Nations Charter and condemn Russia’s illegal attempt to include Ukrainian lands by force. ”
• “In contrast to the 141 nations that voted in March to categorically condemn Russia’s war against Ukraine, 143 nations stood in support of independence, sovereignty, and land safety.

Only four nations—Belarus, North Korea, Nicaragua, and Syria—decided to support Russia.
• “The world has just demonstrated that it is more united and committed than ever to holding Russia accountable for its crimes.”
And on Wednesday, the UN General Assembly voted in favour of a draught resolution denouncing Russia’s “illegal” regions in Ukraine by a wide margin after Moscow used its veto power to block a similar resolution in the UN Security Council.

The General Assembly passed the resolution with 143 votes in favour and 5 votes against, however 35 nations, including China, India, South Africa, and Pakistan, did not participate in the vote.
The decision condemns “the Russian Federation Organization is an alleged referendum within the internationally recognized Ukraine borders” and “the illegal annexation attempt” announced by President Vladimir Putin last month to four Ukrainian regions.

Russia requests “prompt and unconditional decline” for its choices, and the resolution urges all UN bodies and international organisations to reject any border adjustments it announces.

The text of Biden’s comments following the UN decision to condemn Russia

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