Microsoft army glasses cause fatigue for American soldiers

Microsoft army glasses cause fatigue for American soldiers

According to the data of the exercise gathered by the Pentagon test office, the American soldiers who used the new Microsoft glasses in their most recent field test had “physical problems influencing the task” such headache, eye strain, and nausea.

However, after utilising the designated version of Microsoft’s Holulins glasses for less than three hours, more than 80% of individuals who had discomfort have improved. In a succinct report by army officials and the Ministry of Defense, Nicholas Jirin, the director of operations and assessment tests, was quoted. He said that several problems in the device’s fundamental operations continue to plague it.

The problems revealed by the test conducted in May and June in a report of 79 pages this month, the army laid a “non -censorship information” to prevent general distribution, but Bloomberg News obtained a copy of it.
Two neighbours disagree that the device is a failure despite its flaws, and it was suggested that “the army give precedence to upgrades” before a broad range to lessen “physical inconvenience of users.”

He added that low-light sensors in glasses, width and vision clarity, and the dependability of some fundamental functions all need to be improved.
According to the report, confidence has improved the latest model for a medium -time scale between breakdowns, and the leaders and soldiers also reported that the latest version “improved navigation and coordinated the movement of units.

The integrated optical enhancement system from Microsoft, or IVAS, is anticipated to offer a “head display” akin to those used by fighter pilots. The leaders will permit the night vision function and information to be displayed on a mask in front of the soldier’s face.
The army expects to spend up to 21.

Legislators will carefully consider the test results before deciding whether to approve the $ 424, 2 million the army proposed spending on the programme during this fiscal year. The army estimated spending $9 billion over a decade on protective glasses, replacement parts, and support services.

Microsoft, which did not acquire a copy of the test results, stated: “Our tight cooperation with the army enabled us to work fast, and we are moving forward with the production and delivery of the initial group of devices.”

Microsoft army spectacles make American troops drowsy

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