German Ambassador to India: Our position on the Kashmir issue has not changed

German Ambassador to India: Our position on the Kashmir issue has not changed

Philip Akirman, the German ambassador to India, reaffirmed that his nation’s stance on the Kashmir problem has not changed.
This came in a journalistic statements made by the German ambassador today, commenting on the controversy that revolted against Indian circles about comments that German Foreign Minister “Analina Bayrok” during her recent visit to Pakistan, expressed her support for the participation of the United Nations in finding a peaceful solution in Kashmir.

The German envoy expressed surprise at the vehement Indian responses to the remarks of the German minister and emphasised that Germany’s stance on Kashmir has not changed.

“The minister confirmed in her statement that the bilateral path is the way to move forward, that direct talks are the way to achieve this, and that when she referred to the United Nations, this is due to the fact that there is a small international mission in Kashmir, which is a mandate mission Limited, and we look at the role of the United Nations in Kashmir from this angle. It is important for us to say that the German position has not changed, a mandate mission limited,” he said.

“I hope this will not happen, so I would like to clarify that the Foreign Minister did not have the intention to raise any problems in these relations, and I think we are We feel that India is a friend and a great partner for Germany,” the German ambassador said in response to a question about whether the statements of the German Foreign Minister will negatively affect the relations between Germany and India.

The position of the German Embassy in India regarding the Kashmir problem has not changed.

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