Fuel disturbances in the Tunisian capital

Fuel disturbances in the Tunisian capital

Despite the authorities’ assurances that the requisite quantities are available, the capital of Tunis has been experiencing disruption and a lack of fuel distribution on a constant basis for days.
Car queues began to appear in front of the fuel stations in the capital, Tunis (more than two million people) since last week and soon increased on Thursday until tens of meters spanned, according to AFP correspondent.

In press releases, the General University of Oil (Syndicate) Secretary-General, Silwan Al-Sumairi, stated that the fuel supplies currently on the market are adequate for 10 days, pending the arrival of a ship that will bring more supplies on Monday.
The officials gave an explanation for the throngs of “thwarting” shoppers, reaffirming that the procedures are still being carried out in the same manner.
“It is true that there are problems to provide at the level of the ships . ..

Naela Nawira Al-Qanji, the minister of industry, mines, and energy, made the announcement to official television. “But the product is present,” she added.
“The suppliers were giving us a month or two to pay the price . . . but what has changed is that every provider does not empty its shipment today unless the price of the previous shipment was saved,” stressing at the same time that “there are financial problems” faced by the government.

On social media, blogs and pictures spread on the queues of waiting in many areas and neighborhoods in the capital, and some citizens expressed great anger over the government’s policy.
However, there is only a very little supply station congestion in the other governorates of the nation.

Fuel-related issues in Tunisia’s capital

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