Emirati newspaper: Al -Houthi rejected the truce renewal initiatives confirming his ignorance of the suffering of the Yemeni people

Emirati newspaper: Al -Houthi rejected the truce renewal initiatives confirming his ignorance of the suffering of the Yemeni people

The Emirati newspaper “Al-Ittihad” confirmed that Al-rejection Houthi’s of the international and American efforts to renew the cease-fire proves its ignorance of the suffering of the Yemeni people as well as the deliberate threat to the security of the region by waving the return to targeting neighbouring countries and global oil supplies, in addition to the continued siege of the city of Taiz and the imposition of starvation and arrest policies as well as the raising of Disclosure rates.

The article in the newspaper under the heading “Al-Houthi” stated that.

“Politically, security-wise, and humanitarianly, the situation in Yemen is becoming more complex, and its effects on regional stability and global peace and security are growing as a result of the barriers the Houthi terrorist militias have erected in the way of the efforts made to renew The armistice, the continuing of its violations, the escalation, and the hostile approach revealed its desire to choose war as an alternative to peace, to bring destruction rather than building and construction, and to harm Yemen’s future through the deliberate recruitment of minors.

The newspaper noted at the conclusion of its editorial that the UAE reiterates before the Security Council its tireless efforts and collaboration with the international community to extend the cease-fire and find a peaceful way to resolve the crisis that would end the suffering of the Yemeni people, and that this goal would not be achieved unless the Houthi militia complied with their social obligations. The international to lift the siege on the city of Taiz and release the detainees, direct the revenues of the port of Hodeidah to pay the salaries of civilians, stop its daily terrorism and target it to the security of the region and the world.


Al-Houthi rejected the proposals to extend the cease-fire, demonstrating his disregard of the suffering of the Yemeni people, according to an Emirati daily.

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