The United Nations condemns the “illegal” annexation of Russia for Ukrainian regions

The United Nations condemns the “illegal” annexation of Russia for Ukrainian regions

35 countries, including China, India, South Africa, and Pakistan, opted not to participate in the vote while 5 nations opposed the resolution’s draught.
According to the text of the approved decision, the Russian procedures in this context “are not valid under international law, and are not the basis for any change in the position of these Ukrainian regions.

” The decision calls on the Russian Federation to “decline immediately and without restriction or condition for its decision in this regard,” and “to withdraw immediately, completely and unconditionally, all its military forces from the lands of Ukraine located within its internationally recognized borders. ”
Russia used its veto power in the Security Council to block a draught resolution that was similar to the one that was accepted in the association, which led numerous nations to convene the General Assembly.

It is important to note that, unlike to Security Council resolutions, which are obligated by the United Nations Charter, General Assembly decisions are not enforceable.

The “illegal” acquisition of Ukrainian areas by Russia is denounced by the UN.

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