Libya .. find frozen immigrants inside a truck refrigerator

Libya .. find frozen immigrants inside a truck refrigerator

As they were being transported to Libya’s western shores before they embarked on a sea voyage in an effort to reach Europe illegally, smugglers concealed them within a truck tree, where Libyan security authorities later discovered frozen migrants.

The Law Enforcement Department of the General Administration of Security Operations said in a statement today, Wednesday, that it had thwarted an attempt to smuggle a group of illegal immigrants in a beach in the West Coast.
The administration said that illegal immigrants were caught trying to smuggle themselves onto a truck-style refrigerator in order to hide from the police during raids in the western area.

The referral of the immigrants to the illegal immigration agency in Tripoli for specialised help was also done, she said, in the presence of a member of the Immigration Prosecution and the opening of a report in particular.

This incident focuses on the smuggling techniques developed in Libya and the active human trafficking networks in this nation, where the activity of transporting illegal immigrants develops in order to evade supervision, even if it costs these immigrants’ lives.

And during the process of bringing them to the beaches of western Libya, dozens of migrants perished after suffocating inside a confined vehicle in the city of Zuwara, western Libya.

And there have been numerous incidents involving migrants in Libya, the most recent of which occurred a week ago when 15 illegal immigrants were shot by smugglers inside the boat they were travelling in before having their bodies set ablaze on the coast of Sabrata, a city in western Libya. This incident sparked widespread condemnation, calls for the perpetrators to be brought to justice, and calls to step up efforts to combat the phenomenon of human trafficking in Libya.

Frozen immigrants were discovered in a truck refrigerator in Libya.

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