France confirms its standing alongside the protesters in Iran

France confirms its standing alongside the protesters in Iran

International condemnations continue against the Iranian regime, which suppresses the protests that started after the killing of the young woman, Muhsa Amini.
France is “with” the Iranian protesters, according to French President Emmanuel Macron.

Regarding the demonstrators’ “cosmic nature of French principles,” Macron voiced his “admiration” for them in response to a question during an interview on the France 2 channel following the death of the young woman Muhsa Amini three days after her arrest by the Ethics Police in Tehran.

He emphasised “the defence of what is happening in Iran and its support,” emphasising that “Paris is behind the women and men who are fighting for these ideals.”
In a very explicit manner, France denounces the current regime’s use of repression, he declared.
The five French nationals detained in Tehran also used the term “hostages.”

Human rights organisations claim that the security forces opened fire on protestors on Wednesday in response to the death of an amino mission. One of these organisations also reported that at least 108 people had died as a result of the protest movement’s crackdown.
Young women, college and high school students, and others engaged the security forces in the street during the nationwide protests.

According to human rights advocates in the nation and abroad, at least 28 minors were slain during the effort to put an end to the protests, and many of them are being detained in adult jails.

France affirms its support for Iranian demonstrators

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