Al -Maliki: A mutual visit to two delegations from the coalition and the Houthis concerned with the file of the prisoners

Al -Maliki: A mutual visit to two delegations from the coalition and the Houthis concerned with the file of the prisoners

News from Al-Madinah: Brigadier Turki al-Maliki, a spokesman for the Legitimacy Support Alliance troops in Yemen, stated on Wednesday that two coalition delegations and the Houthis would trade visits to see the prisoners on both sides.
The Saudi Press Agency quoted Al -Maliki as saying that mutual visits come as a good -intentional initiative and within the efforts to build confidence to extend the truce in Yemen.

The spokesperson promised to keep trying his hardest to bring back all prisoners of war from both sides.
Brigadier Al -Maliki added that this humanitarian visit is concerned with the file of the prisoners as a purely human condition, as it comes as one of the truce gains and the pursuit of its extension and the expansion of its gains on the lives of the Yemenis in the human, economic and living aspects; To start the political process, and reach a comprehensive peace in Yemen.

Brigadier General Al -Maliki concluded his statement by emphasizing that the prisoner file receives special care and attention from the leadership of the coalition, and all efforts will continue to return to all prisoners of war on both sides, and to end this file.

Al-Maliki: A meeting between two coalition and Houthi delegates over the status of the prisoners

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