Hockey Saskatchewan reacts to Hockey Canada’s leadership overhaul

Hockey Saskatchewan reacts to Hockey Canada’s leadership overhaul

All of Hockey Canada’s board members and its CEO will be resigning, the organisation said this morning.
Kelly McClintock, the general manager of Hockey Saskatchewan, claimed that he believes Hockey Canada felt the strain and doesn’t think that many people would be surprised by this decision.
I realise it’s sad, but… They had to act, in my opinion, given the circumstances they were under, McClintock said.

Although the change has no effect on Hockey Saskatchewan, McClintock told Global News that Hockey Canada’s current public scrutiny may have an effect.
“In some ways, it has an impact because people are concerned about how and where money is spent. I don’t think it has an impact on whether they’re kids are in hockey or the impacts their kids experience right now in hockey,” he added.
Some hockey parents believe Hockey Canada’s move is a good thing.

“That’s a smart move; they have to make that decision. According to Gordon Dieter, a former hockey parent in Saskatoon, “There needs to be restructuring or a new body founded to carry out that duty.
Dieter put two kids through hockey and said he would’ve done some things differently if he had known what he knows now.

I would never have approved that type of expenditure, so I’m extremely concerned that some of those monies I paid into Hockey Canada were used for these settlements.
Not only Dieter, but other parents are anxious about Hockey Canada.
“Hockey Canada lost its origins where suddenly, whoever has the most resources, that’s who moves ahead in the game too,” said Curtis Standing. “I think we need to get back to basics.”

Although Standing thinks it’s crucial to exercise caution, McClintock stated he doesn’t think there will be a reduction in the number of children signing up for hockey the next year.
“I grew up with hockey in my life but I think you got to be really careful with your kids, you got to watch them and it’s like anything in life, you can’t trust, you can’t really trust the coaches, you can’t really trust anybody in authority there too so like hockey kind of lost a lot of that,” said Standing.

On December 17, Hockey Canada will hold a virtual election to choose a new slate of directors.

Response from Hockey Saskatchewan to the new leadership at Hockey Canada

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