Washington Monument .. Was the design of the American monument stolen from the Pharaonic obelisks?

Washington Monument .. Was the design of the American monument stolen from the Pharaonic obelisks?

Today is the 134th anniversary of the Washington Monument’s official public opening on October 9, 1888. The Washington Monument is a massive obelisk honouring George Washington that is located in Washington, the nation’s capital, close to the Potomac River and roughly halfway between the US Congress building and the Lincoln Memorial.

Although many Americans dispute these claims, the shape of the monument supports the claim that the design of the monument was influenced by ancient pharaonic obelisks. This monument was designed by American architect Robert Mills in the year 1848, and construction was completed on December 6, 1884 AD.

The Americans refer to the “Washington Moment,” an obelisk of “George Washington” that stands around 170 metres tall and has a diameter of four and a half metres. Two Latin words, Laus deo, which translate as “Praise be to God” or “glory to God,” are written at the top.

Some reports circulating in Washington confirm that the intended deity is “Ra,” the sun god, who shines with his face on the “Washington” obelisk every morning, as was the case in ancient Egypt previously, according to French author Robert Soleil, author of the book “The Great Journey of the Obelisk.” In order to prevent sunlight from being blocked from the replica obelisk and “Eye of Horus,” which Washington guards and preserves, structures in Washington have been prohibited from reaching heights greater than the height of the Washington Monument for several thousand years.

According to the aforementioned writer, there is also something linking “George Washington” with the ancient and secret history of the pharaohs. Inside the White House, the visitor sees a picture of George Washington inside a rainbow and around it a circle containing 72 stars, a pharaonic symbol and a secret name for the god “Ra”. The sun god of the ancient Egyptians. .

The author described above claims that “George Washington” is likewise connected in some way to the long-forgotten history of the pharaohs. A photograph of George Washington is shown within the White House, surrounded by a circle with 72 stars, a pharaonic emblem, and the god Ra’s codename. the ancient Egyptians’ god of the sun.

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