The referee of Maradona’s famous goal with “the hand” admits: It is not my responsibility

The referee of Maradona’s famous goal with “the hand” admits: It is not my responsibility

Ali Bin Nasser, a former referee from Tunisia who officiated the famous match between Argentina and England in the FIFA World Cup in Mexico in 1986 and scored a goal for the late star Diego Maradona from a handball that sparked debate even today, said he is not to blame for the incorrect goal’s calculation.
In televised remarks, Bin Nasser stated: “I had a sense that the goal was erroneous when Maradona’s ball rattled the net.”

The 36 referees chosen from around the world were at the same level and candidates to manage all matches as referees for the arena in the 1980s, according to Bin Nasser, who also noted that there was no specialisation of assistant referee during the 1986 World Cup. Instead, they were appointed to the banner or a fourth referee.

Bin Nasser continued by saying that at the time, the International Football Association Board (FIFA) had given clear and severe instructions that any time a referee’s colleague was in a better visual position than he was, the referee was required to take the colleague’s opinion.
Even though Maradona’s goal was off, he persisted, I finished the game well and technically assisted in the second goal.

The second goal was selected as the goal of the century and went on to become the best goal in World Cup history.
Bin Nasser claimed that the England coach blamed the flag referee after the game and emphasised that this is not my responsibility as a referee for the arena; yet, I controlled the game in the best way possible and received a rating of 9.

4 In this game, I followed all the rules throughout, and even during Maradona’s shot, I managed the issue properly by following FIFA guidelines.
Following Maradona’s request to meet with him, Bin Nasser stated, “I had a meeting with Maradona in Tunisia, and I hosted him at my home with Arab kindness and the normal hospitality for us.”

The well-known Tunisian referee affirmed, “I learned via this visit that Maradona was not only a skilled player on the field, but also beyond the stadium, a social, humble, and highly moral guy. It was an honour for me to host him in my home.”

Wasil bin Nasser: We spoke about the occasion in which he scored a goal with his hand, and when the audience questioned him during the meeting as to why he did so despite his amazing talent and the absence of any scoring aids, he replied simply, “I scored the goal with my hand” (I wanted to defeat the English by all means. . then he raised my hand and kissing her).

In 1966, while the event was being hosted in England, Bin Nasser hinted: “I started arbitration, and I watched the play between England and Argentina on TV, which observed numerous issues.”

The official who officiated Maradona’s infamous “hand” goal acknowledges:

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