Spanish students apologize after societal outrage over sexual abuse of female students

Spanish students apologize after societal outrage over sexual abuse of female students

Inmates of a student residence in Spain have apologized for crude masculine slogans and sexual insults directed at female students who live in their dormitory across the street, after their behavior went viral, sparking a nationwide backlash.
“As students in the dormitory (students) Elias Ahokha, we would like to express our regret for our actions. What was a bad joke got out of control,” the students wrote in a message published on Sunday, vowing to change their behavior.

After their actions went viral and sparked a national outcry, residents of a student house in Spain apologised for using obscene masculine chants and sexual remarks at female students who reside in the dormitory across the street.
“We sincerely regret any offence we may have caused as residents of Elias Ahokha Dormitory. a crude joke became out of hand, “The students promised to behave differently in a message that was published on Sunday.

With the exception of the extreme right-wing Vox party, all major parties strongly denounced the bill.

After the public outcry over the sexual assault of female students, Spanish students apologise.

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