Russia rejects the UN Human Rights Council resolution issued on it

Russia rejects the UN Human Rights Council resolution issued on it

The United Nations Human Rights Council’s resolution, which was released on Friday, was rejected by Russia, which also reaffirmed that it would ignore the council’s special mechanism and refuse to engage with it once it had become a tool for putting pressure on the country.

According to RIA Novosti, a Russian news outlet, the United Nations Human Rights Council on Friday endorsed a draught resolution on the “status of human rights in the Russian Federation,” which was proposed by 26 European Union nations.

“We firmly reject the resolution adopted today and the baseless charges included in it. We will disregard the procedure of the Human Rights Council and refuse to participate with it,” the Russian Foreign Ministry stated in a statement posted on its website.
The ministry highlighted that the choice was made in response to widespread allegations of “persecution” of Russian sexual minorities, activists, and members of the civil society.

She emphasised that the “concerns” in the draught did not accurately reflect the actual situation and could not serve as the foundation for the Special Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council for Russia’s stance.
She continued, “This project has nothing to do with compassion for Russians or human rights in general. In order to exert more pressure on Russia in the area of human rights, this is an attempt to develop another tool.

This proposal is seen by us as yet another effort to punish our nation for having an autonomous foreign and domestic policy.”
According to the ministry’s commentary: “The promotion of an effective international discussion on the promotion and preservation of human rights has been and will continue to be one of our top priorities in the Human Rights Council.

We are confident that the Human Rights Council’s primary responsibility is to uphold universal ideals, not the transient interests of a select group of Western political elites.

Russia disagrees with the decision made on it by the UN Human Rights Council.

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