Russia and Ukraine: Zelensky calls on the world to act now to stop the Russian nuclear threat

Russia and Ukraine: Zelensky calls on the world to act now to stop the Russian nuclear threat

According to the BBC, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that Russian authorities had started to “prepare their society” for the potential use of nuclear weapons, but added that he did not believe Russia was currently prepared to use them.
Zelensky asserted that his earlier statement had been mistranslated when he denied in an interview with the BBC that he had called for military action against Russia.
He stated, referring to sanctions, “Preventive kicks should be used, not attacks.

“In recent weeks, the Ukrainian army has successfully counterattacked and reclaimed large areas of terrain, forcing Russian forces to retreat from long-held strongholds.
President Vladimir Putin announced the annexation of four partially occupied regions of Ukraine, which Kyiv views as Moscow’s response to its setbacks in the country.
Fears of a potential escalation in the seven-month-old war have been raised in response to the annexations, which have been widely criticised as being unlawful.

Although Western officials claim there is no proof Moscow is prepared to defend those territories with nuclear bombs, President Putin and other senior Russian officials have suggested using smaller tactical weapons as well.
“They have started to get their neighbourhood ready” (for it). Speaking in English from his presidential office in Kiev, Zelensky warned that the situation was extremely risky.
“They are not ready to do that, to use it,” he continued (nuclear weapons). But they began to discuss it.

They are unsure of whether they will use it or not. Talking about it at all, in my opinion, is risky.
Through an interpreter, he said in Ukrainian: “What we see is that the Russian figures in power love life, and I think that the dangers of using nuclear weapons are not as specific as some experts say, because they understand that there is no way back after using them, not only in relation to the history of their country,” but themselves as individuals.

However, he asserted that the misinterpretation of the Ukrainian phrase he used during a Thursday online session prevented him from expressing that he called for strikes against Russia.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the initial speech proved why Russia was justified in starting its assault on Ukraine, while Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov blasted it as a “demand to start another world war.”
They went their own way after that translation, according to Jelinsky.

They began to retranslate the word into various meanings after using it in the way that served their purposes.
The interview was conducted just hours after US President Joe Biden declared that the world has never been this close to “Armageddon” (the apocalypse) since the Cold War’s Cuban Missile Crisis due to Russian threats to use nuclear weapons.
Zelensky argued that since Russia was threatening, “the entire planet” was in danger and that immediate action was required.

He asserted that by capturing the Zaporizhia nuclear power facility, which President Putin is attempting to transfer into Russian property, Moscow has “already taken a step.”
Although the Ukrainian team is still manning the station, he claimed that 500 Russian forces are there.
The acts of the Russian occupiers might be promptly stopped, the president of Ukraine declared.

In such situations, the world can impose the sanctions package and take all necessary measures to persuade them to shut down the nuclear power plant.
Thanks to cutting-edge weapons provided by the West, the Ukrainian army made substantial gains in the east and south, retaking towns and villages even in regions that the Kremlin claims are currently a part of Russia.

Zelensky claimed that although Ukraine had received weapons and that “I wouldn’t say we have enough today,” the Russian forces were putting up a “good enough fight,” the Ukrainian soldiers were anxious to complete the battle.
The Russian military has received unusually harsh criticism as a result of its setbacks, which are a big embarrassment for President Putin.
Putin ordered the call-up of hundreds of thousands of reservists amid the casualties, sparking unusual anti-war demonstrations in Russia and a significant outflow of males of draft-age.

Russians were exhorted to by Zelensky to “”Fight for your body, for your rights, and for your spirit,” the speaker told the young people in the crowd. “These children who are mobilised today have nothing. without using shields or weapons. They are hurled here as ammunition. Let them be a Pope if they so choose.” They arrive. But if they are, in fact, human and believe that this is their life, they must stand up for it.”
He stated: “Putin is terrified of everything, including his own society, not a nuclear attack.

He dreads his own people. Because at this time, only those can take his place. They deprived him of his power. Someone else should receive it.
Zelensky responded, “I don’t care,” when asked if Putin could survive if Ukraine won the conflict.

Zelensky urges the entire world to take immediate action to counter the nuclear threat posed by Russia and Ukraine.

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