Washington: We want an Iranian government that respects the rights of its people

Washington: We want an Iranian government that respects the rights of its people

The US special envoy to Iran, Robert Malley, said today, Friday, that the United States does not seek regime change in Tehran, but rather “wants a government that respects the basic rights of its people. ”
The US National Public Radio said that Mali’s statements came in response to statements made by Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian in a recent interview with the radio, in which he said that he assures the Americans that there will be no regime change in Iran.

The radio quoted Mali as saying that Washington’s policy is “a policy of support for people who are protesting peacefully, because they want to be able not to wear the veil, or to live their lives in normal ways, and yet they face an oppressive regime.

“Mali stated that all parties to the nuclear agreement negotiations had already come to an agreement on reviving it last March and then last August, but Iran was making new requests. This was in response to Abdullahian’s claims that the parties involved in the negotiations to revive the nuclear agreement are very close to reaching an agreement. Each time.
Mali said that Iran’s demands “were unrelated to the nuclear talks or unreasonable.

Mali stated that Washington is continuing its indirect negotiations with Iran to win the release of the Americans held in that country.

Washington: We want an Iranian administration that upholds the civil rights of its citizens.

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