Erdogan: If Washington does not meet our need for F16 fighters, then there are countries ready

Erdogan: If Washington does not meet our need for F16 fighters, then there are countries ready

News from Al-Madina Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey, said that if Washington does not supply Ankara with the F16, several other nations are willing to do so.
After Friday prayers in Istanbul, he responded to inquiries from journalists by saying: “If the United States does not meet our requirement for F16 fighters, then many countries are ready for that.

The Turkish president emphasised that there are fighters from other nations that can replace American “F-16” aircraft.
He said that by purchasing Russian “S-400” systems when Washington refused to give it “Patriot” systems, his nation was able to meet its needs in this area.
A request for F16 jets and equipment to upgrade fighters of the same type in the Turkish Air Force had been made by Turkey to the United States.

And US President Joe Biden emphasised the necessity of Turkey purchasing F-16 fighters and updating its fleet in June of last year.
Washington, however, places restrictions on Turkey’s ability to provide the aforementioned fighters, which Ankara refuses.
When asked about his today’s conversations with Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, he replied that the latter specifically thanked and congratulated Turkey for mediating between Moscow and Kiev.

Erdogan said that he wished Putin a happy birthday and added, “We also have a possible meeting on the Asia platform.” Putin is 70 years old.
He claimed that if Putin takes part in the “Asia Platform,” they will have the chance to talk in greater depth about their bilateral relations and the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
He said that a phone call can be used for the negotiations.

When asked if he was in talks with his equivalent in Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, Erdogan responded that he was in talks with both of them.
The European Political Community summit was held in Prague, Czech Republic, and during the Greek prime minister Kyriakos Michotakis’ speech, Erdogan remarked: “A man who does not know the rules of the protocol, and although his speech was not on the agenda, I do not know how and who obtained permission to try to respond to me.

By reacting to Michotakis, Erdogan emphasised that it is improper for the president of the Turkish Republic to stoop to this level.
I simply listened to a few of his statements, and there wasn’t much clapping for him, the speaker continued.
Recent provocation by Athens on the arming of the disputed islands in the Aegean Sea, which have a non-military status, has resulted in strained relations between Turkey and Greece.

Erdogan: If Washington does not provide the F16 fighters we require, other nations will step forward.

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