Biden warns of a “tragic end” if he uses nuclear weapons in the Ukraine war

Biden warns of a “tragic end” if he uses nuclear weapons in the Ukraine war

At a Democratic Party event in New York, US Vice President Joe Biden stated that Russia’s threats to use nuclear weapons put humanity in peril and signal the “end of the world.”
In reference to the nuclear threat, Biden stated that “we have a threat of a nuclear weapon if, in fact, things continue on the road they are on” for the first time since the Cuban missile crisis in 1962.

Vladimir Putin, who the US president claimed he knows reasonably well, “is not joking when he warns about the potential use of tactical nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons,” according to the US president.

Senior government figures in Moscow have made explicit nuclear threats for the first time since the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962. This has prompted officials in Washington to research a variety of possible responses in case Moscow chose to use a tactical nuclear weapon to make up for Ukraine’s failures.

In a speech a week ago, Putin brought up the idea once more, accusing the US and NATO of wanting to destroy Russia and once more pledging to defend Russian territory, which he claimed now comprises four provinces in eastern Ukraine, with “all available means.” Putin stated that President Harry S. Truman’s decision to use atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 77 years ago set a precedent.

Senior US officials claim there is still a low likelihood of Putin using a nuclear weapon, and they have not observed any indications that he is transferring any of his arsenal. According to a recent Pentagon analysis, there won’t be many military benefits, but Putin might pay a high price in the form of a hostile world reaction, possibly even from the Chinese, whose backing he sorely needs.

If nuclear weapons are used in the Ukraine war, Biden foresees a “tragic finish.”

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