An Iranian teenager died amid the protests.. She was killed by the security forces, or did she commit suicide?

An Iranian teenager died amid the protests.. She was killed by the security forces, or did she commit suicide?

Due to a lack of impartial investigations, the cases of Iranian protest casualties remain ambiguous, and the opposition disputes official government reports of the deaths of adolescent females who, like Sarena Ismailzadeh, claim they fell from a great height.
At the time of her death, 16-year-old Sarina Ismailzadeh (from the village of Mehrshahr near Karaj, west of Tehran) was from Iran.

The security forces struck Sarina with batons during the September 21 rallies that erupted across Iran, according to allegations from opponents of the Iranian regime.
Sarina (born July 2, 2006) has a YouTube channel where she speaks to Iranian youth, shares personal stories, and discusses her interests.

According to one of the recordings, the adolescent had a good education and culture. She states: “The Iranian teenager is no longer like the teenagers twenty years ago, because he is aware of the situation in the world and wonders what he has less of than American teenagers so that their interests differ to such a great extent.

“Contrary to the opposition’s allegation, which Amnesty International published, that Sarina Ismailzadeh was killed by security officers using batons, the president of the judiciary in Alborz province declared that the dead died after jumping from the roof of her grandmother’s residence.

Hussain Fazli Harikandi was quoted by the judiciary-affiliated Mizan news agency as stating, “The body of a 16-year-old girl was located near the entrance to the back parking lot of the building next to the house of the deceased grandmother in Azimiyah Karaj.”
According to the study, Sarina “fell from a high place” on September 24. The cause of death was shock, a fracture, and haemorrhage brought on by the fall.

The authorities reported the death of Neka Shakermi, a teenage girl who had vanished during recent rallies, saying that she had likewise fallen from a height. Her mother, Nasreen Shakermi, refuted this in a videotape that was published by Farda, the American Farsi-speaking radio. The mother relied on the forensic report, which established that hits to the head with a hard instrument were what killed her daughter.

However, the government’s version of Sarina Esmailzadeh’s suicide contrasts with the vibrant movies the young woman made. Recently, numerous films featuring Sarina became viral. In these videos, she discussed life, independence, and her ambitions for the next phase of her life. She comes across as an enthusiastic, intelligent young woman who considers the future.

Security personnel also fatally shot 20-year-old Hadith Najafi amid the continuing protests in Iran since September 16 against the murder of Kurdish teenager Gina (Mahsa) Amini in a morality police station.
Videos showing Najafi taking part in the protests in Karaj, which is 30 kilometres west of Tehran, have gone viral on Twitter, and her name has become a trending hashtag.

According to allegations made by her sister and published on Sunday, September 25, Najafi was shot by security personnel before she passed away.
The widespread participation of female students, female students, and adolescent girls in the latest protests in Iran is notable, as is their position in the centre of the rallies as they scream for liberation and demand equality, freedom, and basic rights.

During the protests, a teenager from Iran passed away. Did she commit suicide, or were the security personnel responsible for her death?

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