After Biden’s statements, the White House clarifies the “nuclear positioning”

After Biden’s statements, the White House clarifies the “nuclear positioning”

The White House statement follows President Joe Biden’s assertion on Thursday that the threat by Russian President Vladimir Putin to deploy nuclear weapons in Ukraine has increased the likelihood of a world war.
When questioned about Biden’s remarks by reporters on board Air Force One, White House spokeswoman Karen-Jean-Pierre responded, “He was reinforcing what we said, which is how seriously we take these concerns from Russia.”

“Vladimir Putin is not joking about the potential of using tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine,” US President Joe Biden stated in his most recent remarks on the threat of a world nuclear war. “These threats put humanity at risk of an Armageddon for the first time.”
Since Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis, he continued, “we haven’t had to deal with the possibility of the Battle of Armageddon (the end of the world).

The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, asserted that his nation’s position on nuclear deterrence has not changed and is based on its nuclear policy while claiming that Washington is attempting to “scare” the world community about Russia’s positions.
During the announcement of a partial military mobilisation in September of last year, Putin made a suggestion that his nation would use nuclear weapons to defend itself. He said that his nation “will use all available methods to defend itself.”


The White House defines the “nuclear positioning” following Biden’s remarks.

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