The merging of the continents .. Scientists expect the date of the huge event

The merging of the continents .. Scientists expect the date of the huge event

But scientists predict this to happen 300 million years from now, not in our lifetimes, our children’s lifetimes, or even our grandchildren’s lifetimes, according to the British tabloid “Daily Mail.”
The enormous continent, which contains all the continents of the Earth, was given the name “Amasia” by scientists.
They said that the centre of this continent will be close to the North Pole.

The model depicts how the Americas are being drawn toward the west and Asia is being pulled toward the east until the three continents come together like pieces of a puzzle.
Antarctica is making progress in fusing with South America.
Africa is connected to the continents of Asia on the one hand and Europe on the other until the new continent, “Amasia,” takes shape.

The last large continent to originate on Earth was the Pangea continent, which was established 300 million years ago and later split into the continents we know today, according to evidence. Evidence suggests that a giant continent forms on Earth every 600 million years.
The enormous continent was given the name “Amasia,” according to Chuan Huang, the experiment’s principal researcher, because it is thought that when Asia collides with the Americas, the Pacific Ocean would disappear, in contrast to the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, which will continue to exist.

Australia is anticipated to play a part in the integration because, as the Pacific fades, it would clash first with Asia and then with the Americas and Asia.
A single continental mass ruling the entire planet, according to the experiment’s co-author Cheng Xiangli, would fundamentally alter the environment of the planet.
According to Cheng, an Australian professor in the School of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Curtin University, “the Earth we know will be drastically different when Amasia develops.”

He said: “The broad interior of the enormous continent would be exceedingly parched with rising temperatures, and the sea level is projected to be low.

The confluence of the continents Scientists anticipate when the major event will occur.

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