Report: Mom of Walker’s child says he paid for her abortion

Report: Mom of Walker’s child says he paid for her abortion

(AP) ATLANTA — According to a new report released on Wednesday, the woman who claimed Herschel Walker paid for her abortion in 2009 is the mother of one of his children, undermining the Georgia Republican Senate candidate’s assertions that he didn’t know who she was.
The Daily Beast, which broke the story of the abortion on Monday, stated that it had agreed to keep the woman’s identity a secret in order to respect her privacy.

Walker, who has backed a blanket ban on all abortions nationwide, fiercely refuted the report, calling the accusation of an abortion a “flat-out falsehood,” threatening legal action against the publication, and asserting he had no idea who the woman might be.
As a result, The Daily Beast reported on Wednesday night that Walker was so familiar with the unnamed lady that, in her account, they had another kid years after the abortion.

She made the decision to carry the second pregnancy even though Walker had previously stated that it wasn’t a convenient time for him, according to the site.
The Walker campaign, according to The Daily Beast, declined to comment on the article from Wednesday. As part of his Unite Georgia Bus Stop Tour, Walker will speak in front of the public in Wadley, Georgia, on Thursday morning.

According to the most recent reports, abortion will remain a key topic in the Georgia election, one of the nation’s most contentious Senate races. Walker and Sen. Raphael Warnock, a Democrat, are engaged in a close race that will determine the balance of power in the U.S. Senate.
It continues a string of revelations about the former football star’s history that have roiled Walker’s campaign.

Walker has been charged with making repeated threats against the life of his ex-wife, making false claims of financial success, and misrepresenting his involvement in a for-profit scheme that is believed to have exploited veterans and active duty military personnel while robbing the government.
Walker admitted the existence of three children earlier this year after a piece by The Daily Beast, which he had not previously disclosed to the public.

For the report published on Wednesday, the woman claimed that Walker’s denial of the abortion caught her off guard.
Yes, I was shocked, but I suppose it also doesn’t surprise me that there may simply be so many of us that he doesn’t actually recall, the woman added. But on the other hand, if he truly forgot about it, it also tells something.

The Daily Beast reported that it had examined the woman’s abortion receipt, a get-well card from Walker, and her bank deposit records, which showed the image of a $700 personal check from Walker dated five days after the abortion receipt. The report was released late Monday.

During the Republican Senate primary, Walker openly backed a national ban on abortions with no exceptions for cases involving rape, incest or a woman’s health being at risk — particularly notable at a time when the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court precedent had been overturned and Democrats in Congress had been discussing codifying abortion rights into federal law.
“I’m for life,” Walker has said repeatedly as he campaigns.

Walker openly supported a nationwide ban on abortions during the Republican Senate primary, with no exceptions for situations involving rape, incest, or a woman’s health being at risk. This was notable at a time when the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court precedent had been overturned and Democrats in Congress had been debating enshrining abortion rights in federal law.
Walker has reaffirmed his commitment to life throughout his campaign.

According to the mother of Walker’s child, he paid for the abortion.

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