President of the Russian Duma: The European Union will pay the bill for the US debt

President of the Russian Duma: The European Union will pay the bill for the US debt

The national debt of the United States of America has surpassed the $31 trillion threshold, according to Vyacheslav Volodin, Speaker of the Russian State Duma.
When Volodin stated that “American borrowing amounts to more than 30% of global GDP, and the super-growth of the American national debt to this level suggests that Washington does not plan to repay it, this happened during a post on his official channel on the “Telegram” programme.

According to Russia Today, “The United States of America will do its utmost to resolve today’s issues at the price of others.”
The European Union is that other loser in the current scenario.
The bubble that was created by the printing of money is in risk of bursting, which would have an adverse effect on not just the US dollar-dependent sovereign states but also the economies of other nations.

Maria Zakharova, a spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, had mocked US data that showed the US government debt above the threshold of 31 trillion dollars, calling it “proof of exceptionalism,” and had disparaged it as such.
According to US Treasury data as of October 3, the country’s debt stood at 31 trillion, 123 billion, 887 million, 781 thousand, and 401 dollars and 34 cents.

The European Union will cover the cost of the US debt, according to the Russian Duma’s president.

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