Japan’s lower house of parliament adopts resolution protesting North Korea’s latest missile launch

Japan’s lower house of parliament adopts resolution protesting North Korea’s latest missile launch

On Wednesday, the House of Representatives of Japan passed a resolution denouncing North Korea’s most recent ballistic missile launch.
The decision was unanimously approved, according to Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), which also said that the action was taken after North Korea tested a medium-range ballistic missile yesterday that flew over Japan (Tuesday).
According to the resolution, the launches pose an immediate and significant threat to the security of Japan and cannot be permitted.

The resolution also vehemently denounced such behaviour. It mandated that the Japanese government should press UN member states to fully execute it and demanded that Pyongyang cease its provocative activities. sanctions based on decisions made by the UN Security Council against North Korea.
The resolution urged the administration to pressure other nations into taking strong action against Pyongyang. The abduction of Japanese nationals by North Korea was also mentioned as being of utmost importance.

He pleaded with the administration to do all possible efforts to bring the world community together in order to find an urgent and all-encompassing solution to the kidnappings as well as Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile programmes.
Tomorrow (Thursday), the Senate is anticipated to vote on a similar resolution.

The lower house of the Japanese parliament passes a resolution denouncing North Korea’s most recent missile launch.

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