Image: The world’s continents merge into one.. Find out its name and the date of the great event

Image: The world’s continents merge into one.. Find out its name and the date of the great event

A scientific model predicted that the Pacific Ocean would disappear, which would lead to the convergence of the continents and their merging with each other, to form one giant continent, and scientists expected this to happen after about 300 million years.
Scientists have suggested that this giant continent bear the name (Amasya), according to the British Daily Mail.

The computer model indicates that the continent of Asia will migrate toward the east toward the Americas, which are being pulled towards the west, until the three continents are linked, like a puzzle. The new unified continent will be placed closer to the North Pole.
Africa is merging with Asia on one side and Europe on the other, while Antarctica is moving north to join South America.

Every 600 million years, a giant continent is said to originate on Earth, the most recent of which being the Pangea continent, which was formed 300 million years ago and then split into the continents we know today.

The continents of the world combine to form one. Learn the name of the event and its date.

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