The United Nations General Assembly will hold an emergency session on Ukraine next week

The United Nations General Assembly will hold an emergency session on Ukraine next week

According to a letter the General Assembly addressed to the 194 member nations on Tuesday, the UN General Assembly will meet in emergency session on Monday to examine Russia’s takeover of four districts in eastern Ukraine.
According to diplomats, a draught resolution denouncing Moscow’s actions during the discussions will be put to a vote. In light of the numerous speakers, it was unclear if the vote would occur on Monday or not.

On Friday, Russia voted against a similar draught resolution, with China, India, Brazil, and Gabon abstaining. The UN Security Council has 15 members.
In the General Assembly vote, a sizable majority is anticipated to vote in favour of conviction, although the outcome will be evaluated in light of two prior outcomes.

Following Russia’s takeover of Crimea in 2014, 100 nations backed a resolution affirming Ukraine’s territorial integrity. In March, the assembly narrowly rejected the Russian invasion with 141 votes.

Next week, an urgent session of the UN General Assembly will be held on Ukraine.

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