More dangerous than smoking.. Unexpected reasons cause acceleration of aging

More dangerous than smoking.. Unexpected reasons cause acceleration of aging

Medical research has shown that psychological elements were overlooked in earlier studies, despite the fact that medical history, genetics, and lifestyle have a substantial impact on the average human life.
According to Medical News Today, which was cited by Sky News Arabia, a recent study by Hong Kong-based experts found that ageing is influenced by mental and psychological health.

Researchers from the company “Deep Longevity” conducted the study, which found that psychological issues shorten lifespan more than smoking does.
The study, in which roughly 12,000 Chinese participants took part, shows that psychological elements including melancholy, sleep issues, feeling lonely, and discontent all hasten ageing.
She emphasised that a person’s ageing was accelerated by an estimated 1 due to a confluence of psychological elements.

65 years old, which is older than smoking.

a greater risk than smoking. Aging is accelerated by unanticipated factors.

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