Brazil elections.. Lula and Bolsonaro to run-off

Brazil elections.. Lula and Bolsonaro to run-off

A newly extended weekly dinner known as “Soup Bowl Sunday,” which isn’t quite “super” in name but is unquestionably special in spirit, is enabling more individuals in Regina have the opportunity to end their week with a Sunday afternoon feast.
Hundreds of free meals are prepared and delivered each week by volunteers from The Comeback Society at two Regina locations.

Both Regina’s Victoria Park and, this year for the first time, Core Community Park on 11th Ave., according to organisers, serve more than 100 individuals on a weekly basis on average.
Depending on the season, the meals are prepared at the Regina Food Bank and always contain soup and bannock in addition to sandwiches, pasta salads, and veggies.
Unfinished meals are used to fill the communal refrigerators in Regina.
According to the project’s organisers, it started in 2021 as a reaction to the hunger seen at Camp Hope.

This year, with the assistance of Regina Community Fridge and Warriors of Hope Community Support Inc., it was extended to the second location.
“Eating soup and bannock with our families as children is one of my sister and I’s favourite childhood memories. We were fed by soup and bannock since we were poor growing up, according to Alicia Morrow, founder and CEO of Comeback Society.
“It goes beyond just eating. Both you and your spirit are fed by it.

Other initiatives of the Comeback Society include virtual beading classes and workshops at the Mackenzie Art Gallery.
“I’ve lived in Regina my entire life, but I think I’ve been kind of isolated,” volunteer Jesse Aaron Triffo said. Triffo started assisting about a month ago.
“It’s already satisfying. Giving out food is gratifying but also disheartening because you realise how urgent and necessary it is.

Election results in Brazil: Lula and Bolsonaro to face off

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