Italy’s Eni: Gazprom stops supplies of Russian gas to Italy

Italy’s Eni: Gazprom stops supplies of Russian gas to Italy

The Russian business (Gazprom) has ceased supplying natural gas through the gas pipeline that runs through the Tarvisio area near the Austrian border, according to an announcement made by the Italian company Eni today, Saturday.

Gasprom informed the organisation in charge of managing Italy’s gas supplies that it was unable to confirm the quantities of gas needed for today because gas could not be supplied through Austria because the Austrian operator would not confirm the dates of the transfer, according to a statement on the organization’s website.

The statement noted that (Eni) “is working with (Gazprom) to resolve the issue, but there does not seem to be a guarantee from Moscow about how long the supply suspension will last,” adding that the Italian operator will make an announcement if the “supply has been restored” through the northern (Tarvisio) pipeline.

Given that these supplies now account for less than 10% of Italy’s overall imports, he added that the suspension of Russian gas deliveries “does not change the situation materially at the present time.”

Eni of Italy: Gazprom halts Russian gas shipments to Italy

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