Video from the town of Lyman.. Kyiv angers Moscow and besieges its soldiers

Video from the town of Lyman.. Kyiv angers Moscow and besieges its soldiers

An official in the office of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky published a video confirming the entry of his country’s forces to the outskirts of the town after the Ukrainian army declared that it was besieging thousands of Russian soldiers near the significant town of Lyman in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine.
The video clip depicted a number of Ukrainian soldiers hoisting their flag today, Saturday, on the outskirts of the eastern town.

This is a welcoming sign (to the world), we are on our way to the heart of Lyman, one of the troops stated before the flag was fixed.
A day after the Kremlin announced the annexation of that region to Russia, Serhii Cherivati, a spokesman for the Ukrainian army in the east, declared earlier today that thousands of Russian soldiers were surrounded in the area of the town. This was a powerful field response to the Kremlin.

Additionally, he stated that there are between 5,000 and 5,500 Russian forces inside, however this number may have decreased as a result of the deaths of soldiers who made an attempt to break free of the siege.
Additionally, the military spokesman for Ukraine claimed that taking Lyman will enable Kiev to march into the Lugansk region, which Moscow asserted to be entirely under its control at the beginning of July after weeks of slow progress and bombing.

Liman is significant because it represents the next stage in the liberation of Donbass and presents a chance to go through Kremina and Severodonetsk, the official continued.
At the same time, he emphasised that the military operation was still ongoing and that some Russian forces were attempting to flee.

Notably, Russia would suffer a significant loss if it were to gain control of this town, especially after its president, Vladimir Putin, announced the annexation of the Donetsk area along with three other regions on Friday during a celebration in Moscow that Kyiv and the West dubbed “a farce.”

Additionally, Lyman serves as a crucial logistical hub for Russian forces in the north of the Donetsk region, thus its fall will mark the biggest field victory for Ukraine since its lightning-quick counterattack in Kharkiv last month.

from the town of Lyman, in video. Kiev infuriates Moscow and encircles its troops.

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