46 representatives of the Chamber, government agencies and professional unions visit Egypt

46 representatives of the Chamber, government agencies and professional unions visit Egypt

The President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kuwait, Muhammad Al-Sager, is leading a high-ranking economic delegation that is currently travelling to Egypt. The delegation’s visit will last until October 4 and is part of the Chamber’s efforts to expand economic ties between Kuwait and Egypt, as well as to strengthen the bonds of cooperation and the long-standing historical ties between the two countries.

The delegation consists of 46 people from the Chamber’s board of directors, some government organisations, professional associations, and a group of Kuwaiti businesses involved in the investment, banking, industry, tourism, and hotel sectors, foodstuffs, logistics, shipping, handling, and storage, aviation, education, communications, construction, and contracting.

The Egyptian-Kuwaiti Economic Forum, which will address several axes, present investment opportunities and the business environment in Egypt, as well as major national projects in the sectors of agriculture, industry, real estate investment, tourism, and services, are all part of the visit that the Chamber is organising in collaboration with the General Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce. Learn about options for public-private partnerships, state ownership policies, Suez Canal economic zone initiatives, and state ownership policies.

The Egyptian government’s interest in luring Kuwaiti investors to take part in project implementation will be reflected in the Kuwaiti side’s presentation of the investment climate in Kuwait, an overview of the Egyptian economy, a presentation on small and medium-sized enterprises in Kuwait, and meetings with high-level Egyptian government officials. magnificent. .

Visits to Egypt by 46 representatives of the Chamber, government organisations, and professional unions

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