After being allowed to use the internet, Iran players: We are ashamed

After being allowed to use the internet, Iran players: We are ashamed

After Mahsa Amini, a young woman, was killed by the morality police earlier this month, some members of the Iranian national football team showed their support for the demonstrations that have been taking place around the nation.
“We always stand with the people who are currently demanding their basic rights,” tweeted midfielder Alireza Jahanbakhsh on Instagram on Thursday.

Jahanbakhsh, a Dutch player for Feyenoord, was previously unable to comment on the demonstrations since he was prohibited from using the internet while in Austria for Iran’s camp.
After the protests were put down, Porto striker Mahdi Tarmi responded on “Instagram,” saying: I feel guilty as an Iranian when I see the photographs of the last few days. Violence is unacceptable and will unquestionably not fix the country’s problems.

Following the death of Mahsa Amini, 22, who had been detained by Iran’s morality police, riots broke out. On September 16, Amini passed away at a police station. .

Iran players who were given internet access: “We are ashamed

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