If you feel lonely.. Useful alternatives to social networking sites that make you feel comfortable

If you feel lonely.. Useful alternatives to social networking sites that make you feel comfortable

Can you image going a day without your smartphone, especially if you don’t have any genuine friends? Some may observe that it is impossible to go a day without accessing social media in order to avoid feeling lonely and empty, despite the fact that our lives before these means were easy and uncomplicated, but the most troubling thing is not us, but the risk that these means provide to youngsters. According to the habitsbuzz website, the seventh day discusses several beneficial alternatives to social networking sites that adults and children may utilise, as follows:
Reading is an excellent substitute for using the phone, particularly social media.

You may read anything in a book, magazine, or blog as long as it is inspirational, instructional, or amusing. Spend at least 10-15 minutes every day reading to broaden your knowledge. To alleviate loneliness.
Conversation does not include talking to others while lowering your head down to look through your phone. When you’re talking to someone, your facial expressions and eye contact might help you communicate more effectively.

Maintaining eye contact indicates that you are interested in hearing what they have to say.
Do you fantasise about eating healthy food but believe you don’t have time to cook it? Instead of wasting time on your phone and buying costly food, spend your Saturday evening creating nutritious cuisine.

If you spend a lot of time on social networking applications, you spend the majority of your time sitting in one location without socialising or seeing sunshine, and you need walk outside to exercise your body and refresh your mind.

If there is an art to sitting still, it is dying out in this age of the smartphone; some people don’t seem comfortable sitting and still engaging in their minds; you should enjoy your ideas in a quiet place in front of the sea or in the green without holding the phone in order to find solutions to your problems or to put an end to some events that have affected you.

If you’re feeling lonely… Alternatives to social networking sites that make you feel at ease

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