Easy and simple steps.. How do you teach your child to be brave and not afraid of anything?

Easy and simple steps.. How do you teach your child to be brave and not afraid of anything?

The family is considered the safe haven for children and the side with which the child feels reassured, and here the family should know the nature of the child’s feelings and the reasons for his feeling of fear, and whether it is normal or exaggerated, so we discuss in this report 6 tips for dealing with the child’s fear, according to what Reham Abdel Rahman, a researcher in Mental health and family counselling, told us during our conversation.

Paying attention to the kid’s psychological element is a necessary for developing his personality, and this part consists in making the child feel safe within the house and away from family quarrels and violence, which causes the youngster to be in a permanent state of fright and horror.

Knowing the reason for the child’s fear is the first step in treating him to remove these harmful feelings from his psyche, by encouraging him to talk about what frightens him and taking the matter seriously, rather than making fun of the child, so that we can build a genuine relationship with him based on love, support, and good listening.

Children are inherently imaginative; thus, this talent should be used to give the child stories about courage and bravery that are appropriate for his age and psychological makeup.
Giving the youngster the opportunity to speak out and reveal what he is hiding as part of a dialogue. Talking about it helps him get accustomed to it and stronger in the face of his concerns.

Some moms and dads use intimidation as a kind of punishment or threat to halt riots inside the family, but the kid believes and is influenced by these threats, making him a weak youngster.
Whatever their children confront in their life, their parents must suppress their fear in front of them since this helps them develop the character of fear, but the parents must also be role models for them in dealing with their fears.

Training the youngster to face the event gradually so that his dread diminishes, whether through relaxation sessions or understanding the major causes for his anxiety and confronting these feelings realistically.

Steps are easy and straightforward. How do you educate your child not to be frightened of anything?

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