5,000 former Israeli officers call on Biden not to sign an agreement with Iran

5,000 former Israeli officers call on Biden not to sign an agreement with Iran

More than 5,000 Israeli officers have signed a petition to President Biden urging him not to sign a new nuclear agreement with Iran, stating that the present accord offers Iran a clear path to nuclear weapons.
Despite your administration’s repeated professed commitment to preventing Iran from gaining nuclear weapons, the letter claimed that “this deal opens a clear legal road for Iran to achieve nuclear weapons by 2031, while depriving the signatories of any means to prevent that eventuality.”

The letter comes as reports last week claimed that a fresh agreement with Iran was close to becoming a reality, owing to Iran’s willingness to give up several demands that the US was hesitant to yield. The thought of a new agreement, however, has concerned many Israeli security experts, who believe it will open the way for the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the Middle East.

According to the letter to Biden, the deal will spark a regional nuclear arms race in which other nations in the area will strive to develop or acquire nuclear weapons in order to counter Iran’s threat. The letter warns that the New Deal will unfreeze monies that are presently inaccessible to Iran, noting that the government has historically utilised such windfall income to export terrorism and instability on an enormous scale throughout the region and beyond, while also adding a definite nuclear future.

According to the letter, “we continue to regard a credible military threat, together with punishing economic sanctions and political commitment to strike militarily, if necessary, as the most effective strategy to resist the Iranian menace.”
The letter referred to Biden as a real friend of the Jewish people and the State of Israel, and asked him not to compromise Israel’s security by allowing Iran to develop nuclear weapons.

After former President Trump abandoned the accord in favour of a maximum-pressure campaign against Iran, Biden wants to resurrect the nuclear deal under Obama and considers it a cornerstone of his Iran policy.
However, detractors said that the agreement would do nothing to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear weapons and would instead just postpone what the agreement would make inevitable.

The storming was described by Trump and Republicans as an example of government overreach, while some suspected that President Joe Biden was aiming to discredit his potential opponent in 2024.
Trump’s attorneys said he’s thinking about hiring a special investigator to go into evidence seized by the FBI at Mar-a-Lago.

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