Opinion: KiwiSaver flip-flop will be hurting Labour

Opinion: KiwiSaver flip-flop will be hurting Labour

Ouch. The reversal on KiwiSaver will be detrimental to Labour.
Cabinet made a mistake, and at this stage of the electoral process, it is not willing to squander political capital.
It’s a significant retreat and shows Labour is aware of how competitive the race is currently.
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Labour will see this U-turn as a better alternative than being pummelled by the Opposition while it went through select committee.

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The outcome favours National. It’s the ideal chance to convince New Zealanders that National will manage the economy better and that Labour was trying to smuggle this through.
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For National, this works out beautifully. It would have only wished for a few more days of these headlines prior to the turnaround.

As she passes the press on her way into the debating chamber for question time at 2:00 p.m., it is obvious that the prime minister was not prepared to justify the situation.
Therefore, her Revenue Minister David Parker issued a press release at 1:18 pm announcing the back down. A number of questions from National were devoted to attacking Labour during question time.
National then had to scramble for 42 minutes to adapt its strategy.

The prime minister frequently takes a strong defensive stance in situations like this, but today she appeared more willing to take the blow.
This piece of law only existed in the political sphere for 24 hours, yet it may still have an impact.

Opinion: Labour will suffer from the KiwiSaver flip-flop.

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