Yasmine Sabry explodes a surprise: I have no friends in the artistic community

Yasmine Sabry explodes a surprise: I have no friends in the artistic community

Yasmine Sabry, an Egyptian artist, used her vacation time to reach out to her audience before she started filming the dramas that serve as her conduit for returning to the public.
Yasmine announced her return to acting in the next Ramadan drama by her responses to the questions they posed to her after she invited them to do so.

Regarding the ambiguity of her life and the causes behind it, the artist, who recently got divorced from businessman Ahmed Abu Hashima, said she is thus because it is her life and belongs to her alone; therefor, what is the justification for it to be made public?
She stunned everyone by revealing that she has no friends in the artistic community, while also pointing out that they are all her coworkers and that she ultimately loves them.

The performer, who has taken a two-year break from acting, made it clear that only constructive criticism—which must be addressed at her by someone with a reference—affects her.
In response to a query about her aspirations, she acknowledged that Hollywood has entirely different accounts and that there it opens in contrast to what is occurring in the East. However, she then admitted that she hasn’t done anything in her artistic career thus far.

When one of her followers inquired about her views on life as she approached this age, Yasmine Sabry made light of the situation by replying, “This age!” . . I’m not 80 years old, sorry.

Yasmine Sabry reveals a shocker: I don’t have any friends in the creative industry.

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