The United Nations: We need 14 million dollars to start the emergency operation to transport oil from the ship “Safer”

The United Nations: We need 14 million dollars to start the emergency operation to transport oil from the ship “Safer”

This was revealed at a video conference news conference in Geneva today, Tuesday, during which he reviewed the latest steps in resolving the problem of the ship Safer, which is carrying a massive amount of oil off the Yemeni coast in the Red Sea and threatens an environmental disaster.

The UN is carefully considering how to reduce the cost of the emergency operation so that it can reach the starting line as soon as possible, noting that there are expectations of cost reductions related to the second phase of the plan, which will ensure a safe alternative capacity for the ship in the long term, Geki added. Safer, pointing out that the two-stage approach to remedy this problem will cost around 144 million dollars.

The UN official stated that donors had only distributed less than $10 million of the operation’s committed cash so far, urging donors who have pledged monies to do so as soon as possible, as well as anyone who are able to contribute.

Jakee warned that the United Nations is deeply concerned about the possibility that the ship Safer could explode or disintegrate at any time, especially since the Red Sea’s fluctuating currents and strong winds between October and December heighten the risk of disaster, and that failure to act quickly could result in disaster. It would be the fifth-largest oil leak from a tanker in history, unleashing an environmental, humanitarian, and economic disaster concentrated on the Yemeni coast, with control costs potentially exceeding $20 billion.


The UN: We require 14 million dollars to begin the emergency effort to transfer oil from the ship Safer.

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